martes, 5 de mayo de 2009

Visit to the De Todas cooperative

In this visit to the cooperative I had the opportunity to talk with one of the partner her name was Nelly, she told to me that she has 60 years and do not receive any economic support, because she lives alone in her house.

So to survive she sells Yanbal, she carries her products to her friends, and they also make her publish, so the friends of her friends come to know the products too. She like the cooperative because they are giving the opportunity of overcome and has and own business and her own money.

Is amazing how many women want to overcome, for their husbands, sons or daughters, but the most important because of themselves, because they have the necessity to be independent and self. These women sometimes are alone so to feel better they want to occupy their time in a significant cause as having their own business.

She replied this to my questions:

What motive you to go to DETODAS?
My friend in the neighborhood said we can go to the cooperative and they lend us money to create a business.
I’m part of DETODAS since November. But right now I don’t have my own business; I’m selling Avon and Yanbal products.

You think that DETODAS brings benefits?
Yes, lots of them. For example, the free courses about hairdressing, jewelry making, crafts and more. That help you to create you’re business.

When you have you’re own business. What other people would be involved?
I think that Nobody. I would like to be independent. Searching and finding my clients by myself.

Who has been you’re support?
This cooperative and my desire to success

You recommend this cooperative?
Yes, absolutely, because is a support for mothers and woman’s, that needs to work and earn money to keep their children’s.

What are your expectations?
Keep going; think in my own business, save money and be the example for others.

1 comentario:

  1. Maria Belen - Who did you interview? Where did you conduct the interview? What questions did you ask and what feeling did you get from the person you interviewed about the Cooperative?

    Also, this assignment is incomplete. Here are the instructions I gave you on the Moodle:

    In your new blog, write a small description of your visit and a short summary of the questions you asked and the answers your received. Also, write what you learned through the visit related to what we have read in our text book so far. This should be the first entry in your blog. Feel free to post pictures in the entry too.
